Hi all, I am having trouble starting PostGIS with out-db raster support

In my /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf file I include the line


after which PostGIS won't start (service postgresql start).

Software is

POSTGIS="2.1.3 r12547" GEOS="3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921" PROJ="Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009" GDAL="GDAL 1.11.2, released 2015/02/10" LIBXML="2.7.6" TOPOLOGY RASTER

Also PostGIS won't start when I specify


Any help would be appreciated!


Philip M. Hurvitz, PhD | Research Assistant Professor | UW-CBE
Urban Form Lab  | 1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 535  | Box 354802
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington  98195-4802, USA
phurv...@u.washington.edu | http://gis.washington.edu/phurvitz
"What is essential is invisible to the eye." -de Saint-Exupéry
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