Remi - the project was almost 4 years ago, we were running Grass 6.4, and at 
the time r.viewshed was a module addin.
The DEM was for whole of Australia, 1 second (about 30 meter intervals).
Run time for batches of 7000 towers as a single process was about 7 hours max.
1000 towers per hr, with a max distance of up to 1km (average would have been 
about 500m),  was what we were consistently achieving. This is where g.region 
becomes very important to set the extent - and to get results very quickly.
So we’re talking no more than several seconds per view shed.
I was surprised by how fast it was.

I haven’t tested in Grass7 as I haven’t loaded the DEM - at some point I might 
get around to it - not a priority ATM.

Would be keen for someone else to have a go, and take the original PL/R code 
pattern, and up date it (e.g. so the function returns WKT).  And we share it 
back to the PostGIS community.

Its a neat little example of how you can embed both R and grass directly in a 
PostGIS workflow.   So rather than the temptation of trying to do everything in 
PostGIS, you now have R and grass at your fingertips, still within the comforts 
of PostGIS.


> Very cool solution !
> Could you give a better estimate of run time?
> (example of DEM resolution, time?)

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