I would recommand gdalinfo.
You may need a recent gdal to properly display raster in QGIS (with a
recent QGIS version also)



2015-03-31 16:05 GMT+02:00 Hugues François <hugues.franc...@irstea.fr>:

> Hello,
> To display raster data, you can try ST_DumpAsPolygons into Arcgis or
> OpenJump (if it is just a test, you could add a where clause on tile id).
> WITH a AS (select ST_DumpAsPolygons(rast) AS mydump from deforested_areas
> –where rid = 1)
> SELECT (mydump).val, (mydump).geom FROM a
> This website is a bit outdated, but you can find some useful insights :
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/WKTRaster
> Hug
> *De :* postgis-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
> postgis-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] *De la part de* Roberto Lazarte
> Kaqui
> *Envoyé :* mardi 31 mars 2015 15:11
> *À :* postgis-users@lists.osgeo.org
> *Objet :* [postgis-users] Problem to visualize raster data from PostGIS
> inQGIS
> I have two multiband raster files and i'm trying to load these data into
> PostGIS using “raster2pgsql”.
> Here is the syntax that i used:
> raster2pgsql -c -s 4326 -I -t 100x100 *.tif  public.deforested_rasters |
> psql -d r342471958
> It works without error, but i don't know if the command loads correctly
> both raster files. The database in PostGIS has two columns, one with the
> spatial index and the other one with raster information. I'm trying to
> visualize the resultant database in QGIS, but for some reason it doesn't
> open the raster layer.
> I've tried to solve this problem using this idea:
> https://duncanjg.wordpress.com/2012/11/20/the-basics-of-postgis-raster/,
> transforming the raster data to geometry data through DB manager using this
> command:
> select rid,rast::geometry from deforested_rasters
> but when visualized in QGIS, only returns a rectangular area without the
> original characteristics.
> Any ideas of how can i confirm that the “raster2pgsql” command loads
> correctly the raster files? Or a different way to load these data into
> PostGIS?
> The raster files are available in:
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nu8nl6cigv8viz1/AADTrr_w8SCstDHOu6AiGeJta?dl=0
> Thanks,
> Roberto
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