Then it's finally done validating and it took about 40 hours. 

[local] postgres@sl=# select * from ValidateTopology('topo_ar5_sysdata');

 error | id1 | id2 
(0 rows)

Time: 145477755.129 ms 


Fra: Sandro Santilli [] på vegne av Sandro 
Santilli []
Sendt: 3. juni 2015 10:49
Til: PostGIS Users Discussion
Kopi: Lars Aksel Opsahl
Emne: Re: [postgis-users] creating topology data is slow

On Wed, Jun 03, 2015 at 05:56:24AM +0000, Lars Aksel Opsahl wrote:
> We are working quite big datasets (about 1 billion points and 20 million 
> lines) that we convert from simple feature to topology. I ran a test 
> yesterday and we added these 20 million lines in about 9 hours with attached 
> attributes. This means heavy parallel pressing and grid usage on a fast 
> database, but we use the Postgis topology package mostly as it is (picked 
> from trunk about a moth ago) .
> We will give a talk about how we do this at foss4g 2015 in Como in July.

I hope a video of your talk and a copy of the slides will be made available
as I'd love to see them but will probably not come to Como.

Last time I've heard about parallel processing during topology building
it resulted in a corrupted topology.
How long does it take to ST_ValidateTopology on it ?

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