On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 06:25:46PM +0100, Lorenzo Bottaccioli wrote:
> grep -i st_bandisnodata rtpostgis.sql
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(rast raster, band integer
> DEFAULT 1, forceChecking boolean DEFAULT FALSE)
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(rast raster, forceChecking
> boolean)
>     AS $$ SELECT st_bandisnodata($1, 1, $2) $$

Right, so someone tempered with the db.
There might be more things missing.

One way to check what else is missing would be:

 CREATE EXTENSION postgis VERSION '2.1.2' FROM 'unpackaged';
 -- you'd get an error here, if anything is missing
 ROLLBACK; -- we're just checking, right?

Let me know if you need help with fixing things.


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