Have a look at the "hstore" functions in Postgres. Or maybe use the "json"
facilities in Postgres. Both approaches migth fit your needs


Bo Victor Thomsen

2015-12-01 21:02 GMT+01:00 Terry <terry.cur...@shaw.ca>:

> We have been investigating how to get our marine data into and out of our
> PostGIS
> - GeoServer - GeoNetwork on a CentOS system, and  we are looking for some
> advice.
> We often have the situation of marine data obtained from a sonde lowered
> vertically through the water column.
> The resulting data consists of a lat-long location, datetime, and sensors
> typically measuring water temperature,
> conductivity,  dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll fluorescence as a function
> of pressure.
> We have typically created CSV files and entered them into PostGIS. We
> create a spatial index based upon the
> 2D lat-long position.  This approach does not seem to maximally use the
> "relatedness" of the cast information.
> We are considering creating for each horizontal location and datetime a
> series of linestrings of (pressure, parameter) tuples,
> and then reading these into PostGIS.  The resulting table records could
> then be up to a thousand times shorter, and searches potentially faster.
> This may imply that we need to write an application to form these
> linestrings, and another to create SQL commands.
> Alternatively, we are looking for a nice way to create NetCDF data from
> our profile data, and then input that into PostGIS.
> Any suggestions on contemplated approaches, or advice or links to prior
> technology for a similar situation?
> -- terry
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Med venlig hilsen

Bo Victor Thomsen
postgis-users mailing list

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