Hi List,
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I've solved this using a 
combination of methods from the responses and wanted to share for anyone in the 
Things I tried that didn't work for me (beyond what was in the previous post):
* Convert to a point, then extract the Lat/Lon and integer ORDERing by that (as 
per Robert's suggestion) - this didn't work well because it tends to produce 
long strips which isn't suitable for my purposes.

* Mark's linked Quadtree generation SQL. But I couldn't get it to work.

What did work:
I took the Content Based Grid from previously (which seems to basically be a 
form of Quadtree anyway) that I had created with Lar's tool, and then grabbed 
the bounds of it.

For each grid, I could then run this SQL:

from (
        floor(st_x(p_geom)) as x_index, 
        floor(st_y(p_geom)) as y_index 
    from (
            ST_PointN(ST_Exteriorring(geom), 1) as p_geom 
    ) a
) b
    x_index >= @Value(_xmin) and x_index < @Value(_xmax)
    Y_index >= @Value(_ymin) and y_index < @Value(_ymax)

This was run from FME, hence the "@Value()" bits in the WHERE clause, which 
substitute the Grid bounds values when sent to SQL. I'm sure the entire thing 
could be a single SQL query, but that I leave as an exercise for the reader.

For those who, like me, don't have SQL as their first or second language:
1) The innermost select converts the polygons to points (i.e. 
"ST_PointN(ST_Exteriorring(geom), 1)"). I'm using this method because it's 
considerably faster than ST_Centroid, and I don't care where the point is in 
relation to the geometry.

2) The mid-select get's the point coordinates (i.e. "floor(st_x(p_geom)) as 

3) The outer clause uses the WHERE query to limit the points to only include 
ones that are greater than or EQUAL to the min bounds and less than the max 
bounds. This solves the problem of what happens if a point is on a shared 
boundary - it will be assigned to the grid whose minimum it sits on.

This processes reads and assigns a sample set of 1.3 million points in about 4 

The result of this is lots of polygons that are all spatially clustered 
together, in groups of no more than 500,000 polygons (that's the value I used 
to create the Grid).

The only problem I'm aware of is the fact that any points that sit on the very 
maximum boundary of the entire grid may not be read as they will be equal to 
the maximum. I haven't come up with a good solution to that one other than to 
re-read it all.

Hope that helps someone. I think spatial sorting would be a great feature for 
PostGIS to incorporate by way of a formal function.


---- On Thu, 02 Mar 2017 18:38:28 +0000  
Burgholzer<robert.burghol...@deq.virginia.gov> wrote ---- 

How about: 
1. Take a centroid of each shape, 
2. Rounding it’s x and y coordinates to whole lat/lon values 
3. Ordering by lat_round, lon_round and these values would proceed in a gridded 
Ex: select oid, floor(st_x(the_geom)) as x_index, floor(st_y(the_geom)) as 
y_index from precip_noaa_daily_grid order by x_index, y_index; 
 oid | x_index | y_index 
 2143 | -84 | 36 
 2142 | -84 | 36 
 2141 | -84 | 36 
 2620 | -84 | 36 
 2619 | -84 | 36 
 2618 | -84 | 36 
The only drawback is that if there were data that were added during processing, 
they may be skipped by your processor, however, if you were to set a flag to 
indicate that something was processed, you’d be covered. 

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