This is great stuff.  





From: postgis-devel [] On Behalf Of 
Darafei "Kom?pa" Praliaskouski
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 3:54 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <>
Cc: PostGIS Development Discussion <>
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] [postgis-users] PostGIS case usages


Some things I've been using PostGIS for:


 - render OpenStreetMap. That's how I got to know about PostGIS, osm2pgsql, 
mapnik and its styles. Changing order of things, removing clutter of icons from 
map, adding clutter of icons you need for this map, getting tile server online. 
Sorting by area to get smaller polys on top of bigger. ST_PointOnSurface for 
better icon placement. ST_Linemerge for rendering street labels on lower zooms, 
when street segments are too small. Rotating house number labels to be parallel 
to streets. Extruding houses and making a layer of shadows for them.


 - extracting some type of data from OpenStreetMap. First osm2pgsql, then debug 
a WHERE clause in QGIS (in right-click - Filter on layer), then get it out as 
ST_AsGeoJSON, then publish on <> .


 - binning some data. Get some lon, lat, value data, group by 
ST_Expand(ST_SnapToGrid(geom)), show in QGIS, add transparency to layer, 
colorize by Graduated in Quantile mode. Look, get insights.


 - stealing some data from some web endpoint. Make python func that gets data 
from some endpoint (for example, OSRM to get a route and travel time from A to 
B, or google geocoder for some text addresses), store and aggregate that.


 - filling tax forms: get taxi trips, calculate start/end boroughs 
(point-in-poly), check they had toll booth on the way (ST_DWithin), check 
length (a call to OSRM to snap to roads + ST_Length), check if customer got 
where they planned to go (ST_Distance / ST_LineLocatePoint).


 - calculating population by some polygons ("zonal statistics"), example "where 
should I open cafe in Minsk" is

 - wifi positioning: given this list of wifi mac addresses device sees and last 
known gps position, and a history of such data for all users, what is more 
likely position this user is at? (ST_GeometricMedian, weights).


 - generating game map admin boundaries. ST_VoronoiPolygons(settlements), 
ST_Intersection(voronoi, land), ST_ClusterKMeans(voronoi, num_players), 
ST_Union() group by cid.



пт, 26 окт. 2018 г. в 20:05, Regina Obe < <> >:

Hey all.  So we've been in talks with our editor about having a 3rd Edition
of PostGIS hopefully to be released around the same time as PostGIS 3.0.

I think they are more or less sold on the idea except they did ask about
current market share and usage.

Part of the reason for that is our previous editions focused a lot on  "How
do I use this function or do this weird sounding thing that only GIS people
can make sense of"  instead of "How do I do this real world thing"

So one of the thoughts was having our table of contents be more like "How do
I do this with PostGIS" in somewhat laymen terms that most people can relate
to - like Political Districting, Real Estate analysis (walk scores,
elevation measurements to determine viablility of building on a plot of
 without scaring people off with "real world things" they can't relate to or
in overly techy terms.

Also since the 2nd Edition (which was in 2015 super ancient now since the
New shiny version at the time was 2.1 and 2.1 is not even supported
Other major thing changed is a lot of people are deploying PostGIS on cloud
offerings like Amazon RDS, Microsoft Azure, and Google PostgreSQL for Cloud
so we plan to cover a bit about some things relevant in those that may not
be relevant when deploying on your own server.

That said, if people can respond with what things they are currently using
PostGIS for and also what hosting they are using for PostGIS, that would be
helpful for us to get a better idea of focus points.

It'd be great if you posted on the list, but if you are shy or need your
usage anonymized, you can write directly to me.


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Darafei Praliaskouski
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