Hi Regina,

I now did a second test with two datasets of forest polygons,  to get an indication if the subquery has any measurable positive effect on such a dataset, contrary to the previously shown result for a dataset primarily consisting of low vertex count (<200) polygons (results included in the older posts attached below).

The first dataset has records with geometries of up to about 100k vertices, the second dataset is a generalized one with all polygons subdivided to a maximum of 5000 vertices.

The results are included below. As you can see, using a subquery still does not lead to a real measurable performance gain, neither for the dataset with humongous big polygons, nor the one with subdivided polygons containing a large set of 5000 max vertices polygons. Only the single threaded result on the first dataset with max 100k vertices per polygon, appears to have a tiny measurable gain, but considering the slight variability of timing results at each run even with the same settings, I am pretty sure even this is not significant.

What is significant compared to the previous results of a dataset with small polygons (majority < 200 vertices per polygon), is that the multi-threaded processing is considerably faster than the single threaded processing. So processing is clearly CPU limited for these larger polygons, but whether that is really in the PostGIS calculations, or overhead of PostgreSQL needing to de-toast large polygons, I don't know.

It does appear though, that PostgreSQL somehow already manages to "optimize" the calculations reusing calculated values, unless the cost of ST_Area and ST_Perimeter calculations on really large polygons is still only a fraction of the reading and writing of the geometries, in which case the results of the query processing simply do not show the inherent cost difference of the different queries.

Note though, that although I showed:

UPDATE <MY_TABLE> SET area = ST_Area(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>), area_perimeter = ST_Area(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>) / ST_Perimeter(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>)

as an example query to illustrate the problem, the timing results are actually for an UPDATE statement setting 4 columns that all need 'ST_Area()' as part of the calculation. So in reality, the potential benefits of the rewriting of the query, should have been even bigger than for the example query above, as the polygon's area is needed four times.


*** Dataset with very large polygon geometries (Max 100k vertices) *********

- Single-threaded using ORIGINAL QUERY: 32m05s

- Single-threaded using SUBQUERY (FROM): 31m52s

- Multi-threaded using ORIGINAL QUERY: 18m16s

- Multi-threaded using SUBQUERY (FROM): 18m46s


*** Dataset SUBDIVIDED to polygons with max 5000 vertices! *********

- Single-threaded using ORIGINAL QUERY: 11m01s

- Single-threaded using SUBQUERY (FROM): 11m11s

- Multi-threaded using ORIGINAL QUERY: 5m37s

- Multi-threaded using SUBQUERY (FROM): 5m46s


Op 28-9-2020 om 18:28 schreef Regina Obe:

ST_Area and ST_Perimeter functions are relatively low cost, so that fact you discovered is not surprising.

I think if you were doing something like ST_Distance then the CTE or subquery would be more efficient than your direct solution.

*From:*postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Marco Boeringa
*Sent:* Monday, September 28, 2020 10:15 AM
*To:* postgis-users@lists.osgeo.org
*Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] Setting multiple columns in one UPDATE request

Hi Regina,

I can now partially answer my question about performance myself:

It turns out that for datasets having relatively small geometries (in terms of number of vertices, not area, e.g. a few dozen to a few hundred vertices maximum) there is actually *NO* benefit at all of rewriting the query either with a WITH (CTE) or FROM (Subquery). This may be different though for other datasets having much larger geometries, but needs further testing.

In fact, processing is marginally slower, but only by 5-10% or so, compared to the original query.

In my setup, I can also run the query both in a single thread, or using a custom Python multi-threaded implementation sending SQL statements in parallel to PostgreSQL. Since the test system has a very limited 4 core multi-threaded processor, the benefits of the multi-threading versus single threaded processing in this case are nil, obviously due to the overhead of the multi-threading. The multi-threaded application is as fast as the single threaded PostgreSQL worker, or even a bit slower, but puts a far higher load on the processor. Of course, with a more modern processor with high core count, this experience likely changes.

There also appears to be virtually no difference between using a CTE or the subquery as you suggested: subquery is only very marginally faster than CTE.

So for datasets having small geometries, just sticking to the original query like:

UPDATE <MY_TABLE> SET area = ST_Area(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>), area_perimeter = ST_Area(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>) / ST_Perimeter(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>)

is fine for those datasets.

I think this result is caused by the fact that the retrieving and storing overhead of the geometries (tables stored on SSD), is simply far bigger than the actual cost of calculating the area or perimeter for such datasets where the majority of geometries is of very limited size (e.g. OSM buildings, simple landuse polygons). Additionally, there may be an extra cost due to the needed join for the CTE and subquery statements. Lastly, the cost of running ST_Area and ST_Perimeter may just be to low as well. There may be other functions in PostGIS with a much higher computational cost that would show a benefit from rewriting the query.

I will attempt to run a second benchmark using a dataset with much larger geometries though (some with well over > 10k vertices), to see if that gives the same result, and report back. There may be a difference, but we will see...


*** Dataset with small geometries (most < 200 vertices) *********

- Single-threaded using ORIGINAL QUERY: 8m45s

- Single-threaded using SUBQUERY (FROM): 8m52s

- Single-threaded using CTE (WITH): 9m13s

- Multi-threaded using ORIGINAL QUERY: 9m27s

- Multi-threaded using SUBQUERY (FROM): 9m44s

- Multi-threaded using CTE (WITH): 9m50s


Op 28-9-2020 om 09:36 schreef Marco Boeringa:


    Thanks for your suggestion.

    How is this performance wise? Is not using a CTE as in your
    suggestion, supposedly faster than with using a CTE, or is this
    just a syntax thing and performance is expected to be equal?

    It would still be nice though, if PostgreSQL somehow handled this
    automatically, and one could use the most basic form yet be sure
    it was optimized. It also reads more easily to just see:

    area_perimeter = ST_Area(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>) /

    in your code, instead of more elaborate construct involving a join.


    Op 28-9-2020 om 03:26 schreef Regina Obe:

        I prefer doing it in the FROM and not bothering using a CTE.

        So something like

        UPDATE <MY_TABLE> SET area = f.area, area_perimeter = f.area/f.perimeter

        FROM (SELECT id, ST_Area(<GEOMETRY_COLUMN>) AS area, 
ST_Perimeter(<GEOMETRY COLUMN>) AS perimeter

                 FROM <MY TABLE> ) AS f

        WHERE f.id = <MY TABLE>.id;

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