Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 23:53:00 +0000
From: Devrim Gündüz <<>>
To: PostGIS Users Discussion 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Problem raster2pgsql on Centos 8 -
        postgres 12 / postgis 2.5
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

           On Mon, 2020-11-02 at 08:17 +0000, Alain Benard wrote:
           > I have a problem with rasterpgsql with all file geotiff.
           > On a server Centos 7 / Postgres 9.5 / postgis 2.5 :
           > /usr/pgsql-9.5/bin/raster2pgsql -b 1 -I -C -F -t 50x50 -s 2154
           > filename.geotiff tablename > script.sql       : it's OK.
           > On a server Centos 8 / Postgres 12 / postgis 2.5 : (with the same
           > geotiff file)
           >                 /usr/pgsql-12/bin/raster2pgsql -b 1 -I -C -F -t 
           > -s 2154 filename.geotiff tablename > script.sql         : error The
           > script.sql file is not completed and the error is :
           >                 free(): invalid pointer Abandon (core dumped)

Can you please fully update the packages? It should pick up PROJ 7.2.0, GDAL 
3.2.0, etc. This was a RPM packaging issue, and should be fixed now.
Also, can you please remove OS-supplied PROJ packages as well?
dnf remove proj-*

Devrim Gündüz

In my case the problem persist. Perhaps i use an other depot.
For installing postgres postgis on a new virtual machine with Centos 8 i use a 
   The principals commands are :
     dnf -y install
     dnf -qy module disable postgresql
     dnf -y install postgresql12-server postgresql12-devel postgresql12-contrib
     dnf -y install
     dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
     dnf -y install postgis25_12 postgis25_12-docs postgis25_12-utils 

Two version of proj are installed with the script (even if i erase proj before 
with ' dnf remove proj-*') :
        dnf list installed |grep proj
                proj.x86_64                                   6.3.2-4.el8       
                proj72.x86_64                                 7.2.0-1.rhel8     

The result : I can't use 'CREATE EXTENSION POSTGIS' :
        ERREUR:  n'a pas pu charger la bibliothèque « 
/usr/pgsql-12/lib/ » : /usr/gdal32/lib/ undefined 
symbol: GTIFGetGCSInfoEx
Thank you for explaining.

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