Hi ,
In an other post I explained a problem with raster2pgsql on Centos 8 but in 
fact the problem is more important and update server postgis make 'create 
extension postgis failed'.
So i reinstalled postgres / postgis from scratch on a virtual machine with 
centos and with this command 
(https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-postgis-on-centos-8-linux/) :

   The principals commands are :

dnf -y install 

dnf -qy module disable postgresql

dnf -y install postgresql12-server postgresql12-devel postgresql12-contrib

dnf -y install 

dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools

dnf -y install postgis25_12 postgis25_12-docs postgis25_12-utils 

Two version of proj are installed with the script (even if i erase proj before 
with ' dnf remove proj-*') :

                dnf list installed |grep proj

6.3.2-4.el8                                       @epel

7.2.0-1.rhel8                                 @pgdg-common

On step 4 The result : I can't use 'CREATE EXTENSION POSTGIS' :

                ERREUR:  n'a pas pu charger la bibliothèque « 
/usr/pgsql-12/lib/rtpostgis-2.5.so » : /usr/gdal32/lib/libgdal.so.28: undefined 
symbol: GTIFGetGCSInfoEx

I don't know if this list is the best for this problem but today this problem 
is not just mine ; i think nobody can install postgis 2.5 with postgres 12 on 
centos 8 with this repository.

Thank you for explaining.


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