Dear list members, 

I have a table with 35 billion rows containing point geometries (SRID 31467) 
and use it for intersections with multiple polygon datasets. To improve 
performance I would like to use declarative partitioning to split the point 
table into sensible table partitions. Because of the intended use with 
ST_Intersects, I thought it would somehow be best to use geometric location as 
the basis for partitioning. List and range partitioning are not really 
applicable to the geom column, so that leaves hash partitioning. But I get the 
feeling that hash partioning won't work for the geometry data type either. 

All posts I found on the internet about partitioning PostGIS tables were mostly 
outdated and used inheritance partioning with check constraints. 

Has anyone used declarative partitioning on PostGIS geometry tables or can 
otherwise tell me why this might be impossible without using an additional 

Help would be very much appreciated :-) 

Thanks a lot and kind regards 

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