I tried the workaround that was mentioned on the stack overflow thread here
It mentions that disabling JIT could fix the issue

show jit; --equals to ON
alter database top set jit=off;
-- reconnect to db
show jit; --equals to off

With jit == off the query runs without issues, still i doesn't seem the
appropiate thing to do, and on the replica system there's no need to
disable the JIT.
Shall I open a bug?

Missatge de Joan <aseq...@gmail.com> del dia dt., 4 de juny 2024 a les

> I have recently upgraded the postgis and pgrouting extensions on a server
> via the pgdg repository from 3.3.1 to 3.4.2, this are my current versions
> (the exact same versions are installed on another server with and older
> copy of the database without the same synthoms)
>        Name       | Version |   Schema
> ------------------+---------+-------------
>  pgrouting        | 3.6.2   | public
>  plpgsql          | 1.0     | pg_catalog
>  postgis          | 3.4.2   | public
>  postgis_raster   | 3.4.2   | public
>  postgis_topology | 3.4.2   | topology
>  tds_fdw          | 2.0.3   | public
> When I call this query
> select *
> FROM topo.arcs t,
> topo.nodes n
> where
> t.geom is not null
> and n.geom is not null
> and ST_DWithin(ST_StartPoint(t.geom), n.geom, 0.01)
> On the sql program (even local console):
>> SQL Error [08006]: An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.
> On the postgres logs I see this line though:
>> error: Not an int attribute (Producer: 'LLVM15.0.7' Reader: 'LLVM 14.0.0')
> On a stackoverflow I found a mention that this could be related to the JIT
> compilation
> and suggested disabling it, but I'd like to investigate more before doing
> so
> Any pointers will be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Joan

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