When I was debugging my invalid geometry problem, I needed to select a small area to view. The data is divided up into 1 degree tiles (it's the SRTM SWBD shapefiles imported). I figured selecting by whole integer degrees would be simple to deal with.

I started with st_overlaps(), as it was mentioned in the wiki I think, or somewhere online (this was a few weeks ago, and don't remember the details). But it was not selecting very much at all in a large area. I looked at the PostGIS documentation to see what other functions would work, but their descriptions are not plain english and and tried them all. And there was a pointer to:


that helped a little. But none of the ones I tried gave me what I want - polygon areas completely inside the box boundary and area, and not polygons where only the boundary touches the box boundary.



ST_Overlaps() -- only polygons selected where their boundaries touch the box boundary and any part of the polygon area is inside the box. I get none that are completely within but not touching are selected.

ST_Intersects() -- all polygons selected where //any// part of the polygon (boundary and inside) are in or touch //any// part of the box, though it seems to have missed some from the upper-right neighboring cells. A lot more than I want.

ST_CoveredBy() -- only polygons where the boundary //and// area are completely inside only the area of the box and not touching the box boundary. I don't get the polys touching the box edge.

ST_Within() -- similar to st_coveredby, except that it only seems to look at the outer boundary of the polygons, and that upper-right corner polygon is actually an invalid polygon where the "outer" polygon is a "hole" polygon (not visible here), thus inside and not touching the box boundary.

Did I miss an obvious function, or is there something that will get what I want? hmmm, maybe a combination (but would that slow it down a lot)?

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

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