Maria Arias de Reyna wrote:

I'm trying to create a new postgis database on a postgresql 8.3. I have done it on the past on the same computer and it worked fine.

But now, running lwpostgis.sql shows me errors:
psql:/usr/postgis-1.3.3/lwpostgis.sql:2222: ERROR: se ha denegado el permiso para crear �pg_catalog.geometry_dump� DETAIL: Las modificaciones al catalogo del sistema estan actualmente deshabilitadas.
After the first error, it rollsback the whole transaction.

Could it be due to an upgrade of the library gdal? Or is it something easier?

Hi Maria,

You must be logged in as the database superuser (normally postgres) in order to load lwpostgis.sql. Incidentally you really should be using 1.3.5 rather than 1.3.3; 1.3.3 contains some very nasty bugs and memory leaks.



Mark Cave-Ayland
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
T: +44 870 608 0063
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