>Thanks a lot for taking you time to explain.
>So if  Postgis actually not limit only to the simple-feature model the
>what kinds of geometries are InValid in PostGIS terms?
>So does this make my example non-compliant with OGC SFA? I'm not
>topology expert and asking for the practical reasons, the software
>that claims to be OGC-compliant cannot import such data correctly. If
>such structures are indeed not covered by OGC SFA then I cannot do
>anything, if they are allowed, than this is a software issue and it is
>in fact not compliant.

You can use the ST_IsSimple to know if a geometry is simple-feature.

If true it is simple-feature.

After, if you geometry is ST_IsSimpe = true,
you can test with ST_IsValid , to detect eventually invalidity for geometry.

So you can detect if it is a simple-feature valid geometry.


Andrea Peri
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