I have used an R function before (using maptools package) to do something 
similar, but I can't remember the details, so I would be considering looking at 



On 06/05/2010, at 15:40 , strk wrote:

> On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 10:49:32PM -0600, John Abraham wrote:
>> One of the things I miss about using ESRI's GIS is the ability to do 
>> dot-density maps.  Within a polygon, the number of dots is proportional to a 
>> value, and the dots are randomly placed.  I find it useful to be able to 
>> present several data values at once (e.g. blue dots for population, red dots 
>> for employment).  
>> I also find that it is a more intuitive way of scaling for zone size than 
>> dividing the value by the area of the zone.  That is, the count of the dots 
>> represents the actual number, but the density of the dots represents the 
>> density of the number.  So I don't have to decide whether to divide the 
>> value by the area of the polygon to plot density: both the absolute number 
>> and the density are easily visible.
>> Since my open-source GIS viewing systems (mostly QGIS and Mapserver) won't 
>> plot dot-density, I've done without.
>> But today I realized that I can build these on the server instead.  I can 
>> generate random points within the bounding-box of the polygon, throwing out 
>> those that aren't contained within the polygon, repeating until I have 
>> enough.  Then I can save these points as a separate layer, and display this 
>> layer using almost any desktop or web based viewer!
>> Has anyone done this?  Can I do it in SQL or do I need to write something in 
>> PL/pgsql?
> PL/pgsql would be easier than SQL at the minimum.
> Still, a C implementation would likely be better, for speed reasons.
> --strk; 
>  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
>  /\   http://strk.keybit.net/services.html
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