Bad sentence construction in the error, perhaps? The restriction "only
polygon and point" means that one argument must be a polygon and one
must be a point. Both your arguments are polygons.


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Nicholas Bower <> wrote:
> I've read the 1.5 reference docs but can't figure out what is wrong with
> below.  ST_CoveredBy(geography, geography) should work right?
>   select count(*) from t_swath_metadata where ST_CoveredBy(
>  ST_GeogFromText('SRID=4326;POLYGON((123.1773295292851 -16.07501950971949,
>                           122.745660066063 -16.83965661151543,
>                           124.1310486688905 -16.44978157737539,
>                           123.1773295292851 -16.07501950971949))'),
> swath_bounding);
> ERROR:  geography_covers: only POLYGON and POINT types are currently
> supported
> CONTEXT:  SQL function "st_covers" statement 1
> ********** Error **********
> ERROR: geography_covers: only POLYGON and POINT types are currently
> supported
> SQL state: XX000
> Context: SQL function "st_covers" statement 1
> db=> \d t_swath_metadata;
> ...
>  swath_bounding        | geography(Polygon,4326)     |
> Indexes:
>     ...
>     "t_swath_metadata_swath_bounding_key" gist (swath_bounding)
> Thanks, Nick
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