
MapServer is the proper list for this question, but you haven't given much 
information on what is a complex issue... and I can't help you directly with it 
I'm sorry, but it might help if you gave a bit more information.

Are you getting a map? Is the data correctly displayed? You could get attribute 
data either from the data in your query (use * in the format below if in doubt) 
or if you take the gid and look it up separately.

The MapServer Docs at show an 
example of a query:

CONNECTION "dbname=yourdatabasename user=yourdbusername"
DATA "the_geom from (select g.gid, g.the_geom, a.attr1, a.attr2 from geotable g 
join attrtable a on g.gid = a.aid) as subquery unique gid using srid=4326"

A common mistake is a mismatch between the projection systems - are they both 

Have you been logging the php and MapServer output (DEBUG level 1 or more) to 
see what is happening when you click on a point? 

Having said that, I notice you have suppressed any error messages on 

>   @$qlayer->queryByPoint($point, MS_MULTIPLE, $radius);

so you may not get much help from the php log.

hopefully someone else might be able to help, good luck.



On 17/05/2010, at 15:09 , Guillermo Tamburini Beliveau wrote:

> Hi,
> first, I would like to apologize for possible confussions with my english or 
> my
> limitated knowledge of programming and the explanations on this.
> And second, sorry if I insist, but I trided two times in the mapserver list 
> and
> now, the second time in this, and nobody responds me. please, if somebody 
> knows
> anything about my question, please say something. Thank you.
> I would ask to the list if someone knows the reason of a problem that I'm
> having with the php-mapscript methods for the query methods in the postgis
> layers.
> Indistinctly for querybypoint or querbyrectangle, my code (different versions 
> of
> it), works perfectly with shapes, but it always fails with the postgis layers.
> When calling to the shapeindex member of the ResultCacheMemberObj obtained, it
> always returns 0, as is contrary to what happens with the shapes, where it
> always returns the correct shapeindex. Then, it is impossible to acces to the
> desidered feature, and as you know, this are usal and simple actions.
> May I have to add more columns to the select of the .map file for getting the
> features atributes like in the example (I don't think so)?
>    DATA "geom FROM puntos using unique gid"
> #    DATA "geom FROM (select gid , nombre, tramo, geom from puntos) as foo 
> using
> unique geom"
> #    DATA "geom FROM (select * from puntos) as foo using unique gid"
> Or there is some paramter in the configuration files of mapserver or php that 
> I
> have to change.
> There is the code of the function:
> function CercaPunto($point,$map,$radius) {
>      $qlayer = $map->getLayerByName('trazado');
>     $qlayer->set("tolerance",$radius);
>     @$qlayer->queryByPoint($point, MS_MULTIPLE, $radius);
>     $numResults = $qlayer->getNumResults();
>     if ($numResults != 0) {
>          for ($i = 0; $i < $numResults; $i++) {
>              $query_result = $qlayer->getResult($i);
>               $Lista_ele[$i] = $query_result->shapeindex; // Here is the error
> with postgres
>          }
>     } else {
>          $valido =0;
>          $Lista_ele = "";
>     }
>     return $Lista_ele;
> } // end CercaPunto
> Thank you very much.
> Guillermo Tamburini
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