
On 06/07/2010, at 17:37 , rdelisabeth wrote:

> My problem is the following. I also have some data from my colleagues from
> Spain. Their data supposedly is in "WGS1984" epsg "4326". So I transformed
> it to 900913 as I did with my other data. So far so good. BUT when I do a
> SELECT AsText from one of the geometries I get the following:
> "MULTIPOLYGON(((inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf
> inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,
> ...etc etc ... inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf
> inf,inf inf,inf inf),(inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf,inf inf)))"
> I think this means that the geometry is invalid. When I read it from my
> application using Hibernate spatial I get an error like invalid geometry.

I wonder if you have data from a UTM Grid - do the values look like reasonable 
longitude and latitude values (in degrees) for Spain. I'm on the wrong side of 
the planet to be sure what is right, but if you have any values greater than 
about 45, I think you probably have WGS84 UTM values, which would be in the 
10's to 100's of thousands.

instead of 4326 try something like 32630... just a guess.



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