I used the ST_Envelope function.
Create a field with the X and Y column of your points, and add something
like this:
ST_MakeEnvelope(xcoord-"+0.1+", ycoord-"+0.1+", xcoord+"+0.1+",
ycoord+"+0.1+", 4326))

The above is from my python and pygresql script so ignore the syntax.
However, the idea is the same if you want to create grid cells from points.


2010/10/18 Randall, Eric <erand...@eriecountygov.org>

> Hi Brent,
> I use something like this, should be adaptable to your use (but might not
> be the best way).
> this makes a 10000 foot sided cell, and translates it 10x and 10y.
> Eric
> select st_translate(geom, 0 ,yseries) as geom from
> (select generate_series(0,90000, 10000) as yseries,st_translate(geom,
> xseries ,0) as geom from
> (select  generate_series(0, 90000, 10000) as xseries, geom from
> (select
> st_envelope(st_makeline(st_makepoint(1380000,630000),st_makepoint(1390000,640000)))
> as geom) as t1) as t2) as t3
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net]on Behalf Of
> pcr...@pcreso.com
> Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 1:39 PM
> To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> Subject: [postgis-users] How best to build a regular grid from points
> Hi,
> I have a set of 155,000,000 points on a regular grid. I need to convert
> these to a set of square polygons covering the area represented by the
> points.
> Can anyone suggest how this could be done in Postgis?
> Thanks,
>  Brent Wood
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