Hello list, Hello all - does anyone know about whether the multipoint WKT format should have points separated with parentheses (e.g., "MULTIPOINT((1 2),(3 4))"), or should it not (e.g., "MULTIPOINT(1 2,3 4)")? PostGIS returns the latter (no parentheses), but if you look at the OGC doc linked from here here: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sfa, the example for MULTIPOINT on page 61 has parentheses - same thing on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text - I'm not sure what the correct OGC reference for WKB is though.
I'm asking because the WKT parser in OpenLayers currently expects parentheses when its parser reads a multipoint, which is easy enough to work around. But should PostGIS be including parentheses if it is the accepted format (or is there a way to do this already?), or should we expect that any application that parses WKT must be able to pars both formats (e.g., like PostGIS does)? Regards, Mike
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