I'm sure this has been asked many times but haven't
found a definitive or consensus answer...
Is there a postgis client that supports spatial, ad hoc
queries and returns those results to a map? This would
include simple (and more complex) SELECT statements but
also other queries with spatial results, such as finding
nearest neighbors, intersect, union, etc...
The best idea I found was to create a view from the ad
hoc query and then use a desktop GIS to display that
view. You'd need to update the view (and refresh the
GIS screen) to run a new query. I know QGIS (and other
FOSS GIS packages) allows you to create a definition
query (a where clause to subset the layer) and does
support database views. I haven't seen a place where
QGIS supports ad hoc queries. Searching the web, I did
find references to some work done using OpenMap
libraries back in 2004, and the mezoGIS package from
around 2005/2006.
Does anyone know of a GUI tool to use, hopefully one
that works for Postgres 9 and PostGIS 2? Thanks.
- John
PS - Thanks for the recommendations on the PostGIS in
Action book. I just purchased it and looking forward to
learning what I can.
John Callahan, Research Scientist
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware