
On 01/03/2011, at 4:47 PM, robertvc wrote:

> I have been trying, with no luck, to implement a query to return me all the
> pairs of rows that are within a certain range of each other. I searched the
> forum before trying to find a solution but I haven't been able to. Sorry if
> there is a solution to this problem already that I didn't see. 

I think you need to search on nearest neighbour.

> Suppose you have a 2 column table cars with an integer ID, and a geography
> Location representing the position of the car globally. I want to write a
> query that will return me pairs of IDs of cars that are within say 1km of
> each other. Having looked at the functions available ST_DWithin seems the
> obvious choice but I haven't been able to actually use it for what I want. 
> I've started out by simply testing if it matches each car as being in range
> with itself : 
> SELECT * FROM cars WHERE ST_DWithin(location, location, 1);
> This returned all the entries from the cars table as expected (given that no
> cars where actually within a meter of each other).

This doesn't sound like my interpretation - it returned all the entries because 
each car's location was within 1 metre of itself (unsurprisingly). 

> I then tried to find all
> the cars that are within a km of each other but don't have the same ID (to
> avoid matching a car with itself). Because of this extra constraint I need
> to somehow treat the location columns individually so I've tried the
> following: 
> SELECT, FROM cars AS c1, cars AS c2 WHERE
> ST_DWithin(c1.location, c2.location, 1000) AND !=; 
> But this query never actually finishes computing (the number of entries in
> my cars table is around 30k and after 2 hours of the query being executed I
> still didn't get back a result). I would greatly appreciate any help in
> computing this query as well as any tips on performance. I should also
> probably mention that I did an indexing on the location column as suggested
> in the documentation: 
> CREATE INDEX cars_gix ON cars USING GIST (location);

Did you also VACUUM ANALYZE after creating the index?

Performance-wise, using geometry instead of geography might help. You could try 
EXPLAIN to see where the slow point in the query is.

How widespread are the cars - are you talking about 30 000 cars that might all 
be within 1 km of each other?

Given that the direction of the relation doesn't matter maybe use an outer join 
something like 

FROM cars c1
LEFT OUTER JOIN cars c2 ON ST_DWithin(c1.location, c2.location, 1000)

(I have no idea if that would work!)



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