Just wanted to report to the list that I seem to have successfully
applied the tiling idea to these geologic map units, by creating a
separate table containing only those polygons where ST_NPoints(the_geom) > 
a table containing tiles that are 1/7th of a degree square, and
a third table containing the intersection of the complex polygons
with the tiles.  By marking, in the original polygon table, those
polygons for which I have tiled versions, I am now able to generate
KML that is simple enough for Google Earth to display.

I'm happy about this because this is a problem that has been
following me for several years now--every once in a while I
would receive email from a user inquiring about polygons that
weren't displaying properly in Google Earth.  A proper understanding
and application of PostGIS's ST_Intersects and ST_Intersection
functions, coupled with some bookkeeping, has made this solution

So for any who are interested, the end result is the collection of
KML files linked from http://tin.er.usgs.gov/geology/state/kml/
or from individual pages describing the state geologic map compilation,
from http://tin.er.usgs.gov/geology/state/

There remains to be explored the worthwhile suggestion of generating
lower-resolution versions of these data for use with KML regions,
to speed the display within Google Earth.  For now, however, these
data seem (to me) to render readily enough.

Thanks to those from this list who offered suggestions towards solving
this problem.


On 03/03/2011 03:44 PM, Peter N. Schweitzer wrote:
At http://tin.er.usgs.gov/geology/state/ and pages below it, I provide
geologic map units for US states in KML for use within Google Earth.
These are stored in PostgreSQL (9.0.2) with PostGIS (1.5.2). My problem
is that many of the larger geologic units are represented as polygons that
have a large number of vertices, often with many interior rings. Google Earth
doesn't want to display polygons that have 100,000 vertices (I think the
actual limit is lower, but I don't know what it is.) So my geologic maps
have large irregular holes in them when viewed in Google Earth.

Is there a way, using PostGIS functions, to split these polygons so that
the resulting polygons have fewer vertices and thus would appear as expected
in Google Earth? It seems to me one possibility would be to intersect
these large polygons with Box2D's whose vertical dimensions were, say,
one or two degrees. But I don't yet see how to carry this operation out.

Can anyone offer suggestions as to how this might be done?

Here are some of the characteristics of the data. The principal table
containing the polygons is named geol_poly; the field unit_link is a
relational key to other, more interesting data, and the_geom comes through

select unit_link,ST_NPoints(the_geom) npt,ST_NumGeometries(the_geom) ng, 
ST_NumInteriorRings(the_geom) ni from geol_poly order by npt desc;
unit_link | npt | ng | ni
FLwater;0 | 451759 | 1 | 8945
PAPAa;6 | 319192 | 1 | 1235
PAPAcg;6 | 216653 | 1 | 925
ALwater;0 | 205251 | 1 | 108
OHPAc;0 | 201310 | 1 | 842
OHPAm;0 | 200763 | 1 | 895
OHPAap;0 | 196422 | 1 | 1207
MNOl;0 | 188753 | 1 | 107
MNCu;0 | 165061 | 1 | 86
TNObh;6 | 152421 | 1 | 825
PAPAp;6 | 144889 | 1 | 324
MOOjc;0 | 144721 | 1 | 144
MOMk;0 | 128731 | 1 | 290
WVPAk;0 | 128402 | 1 | 934
TXKed;0 | 124666 | 1 | 720
TNMfp;10 | 122021 | 1 | 117
OHMlc;0 | 116993 | 1 | 731
TNMfp;10 | 113034 | 1 | 406
MOOr;0 | 109195 | 1 | 136
PAPAm;6 | 105906 | 1 | 395
PAPAcc;6 | 105798 | 1 | 447
WVPAm;0 | 99944 | 1 | 474
CAQ;0 | 97086 | 1 | 455
WVPAc;0 | 94277 | 1 | 455
MNOm;0 | 93054 | 1 | 53
PAPPAw;0 | 89974 | 1 | 218
TNOca;6 | 89292 | 1 | 564
WVPAa;0 | 89182 | 1 | 504
MOOr;0 | 87103 | 1 | 171
MOOg;0 | 85660 | 1 | 277


Peter N. Schweitzer (MS 954, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 20192)
(703) 648-6533  FAX: (703) 648-6252  email: pschweit...@usgs.gov
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