Now I see.
But then I would use filetype helper functions like below.

Yours, S.

CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION filetype_to_href(filetype)
RETURNS text AS $$
   file alias for $1;
   href text := '';
   RETURN '<a href="'|| file.file_url ||'" target="_blank" >'||
file.file_name ||'</a>';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- Test: SELECT filetype_to_href(files[1]) FROM resource_file;

CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION filetype_array_to_href(filetype[])
RETURNS text AS $$
   files alias for $1;
   href_list text := '';
   FOR n IN 1 .. array_upper($1, 1)
       href_list := href_list || filetype_to_href(files[n]) || ' ';
   RETURN href_list;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- Test: SELECT id, filetype_array_to_href(files) FROM resource_file;

2011/3/19 Òscar Vidal Calbet <>:
> Thanks Stefan.
> I tried already, but is happening the same.
> Geoserver is only publishing the fields "gid, name, description,
> the_geom" but no the "files".
> "files" is a ARRAY field with elements of a TYPE created for me.
> thanks,
> oscar
> 2011/3/19 Stefan Keller <>:
>> Ok.
>> I think you can still turn your original view into one that is
>> recognized by GeoServer, like this:
>> CREATE VIEW view_my_point_feature_with_files
>>   AS SELECT gid, name, description, files, the_geom
>>      FROM my_feature, resource_file
>>      WHERE resource_file.from_table='my_point_feature'
>>      AND resource_file.with_id=gid;
>> I just added gid because I think GeoServer needs a numeric id.
>> Yours, S.
>> 2011/3/19 Òscar Vidal Calbet <>:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> Thanks for the answer. You are right, my explanation is somewhat confusing.
>>> I think is easier just post the following example code:
>>> ===========================================
>>> --
>>> CREATE TYPE file AS (
>>>    file_name        varchar(64),
>>>    file_description varchar(256),
>>>    file_url         varchar(256),
>>>    file_type        varchar(32),
>>>    file_size        decimal,
>>>    file_updated     date
>>> );
>>> --
>>> CREATE TABLE resource_file
>>> (
>>>  id serial NOT NULL,
>>>  from_table varchar(32) NOT NULL,
>>>  with_id integer NOT NULL,
>>>  files file[],
>>>  CONSTRAINT resource_file_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
>>> );
>>> --
>>> INSERT INTO resource_file_test(id, from_table, with_id, files)
>>> VALUES (nextval('resource_file_id_seq'), 'my_point_feature', '54',
>>>                ARRAY[[row('my_file.pdf', 'test',
>>> '/where/is/the/file/my_file01.pdf', 'pdf', 1.5,
>>> statement_timestamp())::file],
>>>                            [row('my_file.jpg', 'test',
>>> '/where/is/the/file/my_file02.jpg', 'image', 1.5,
>>> statement_timestamp())::file]]);
>>> --
>>> CREATE VIEW view_my_point_feature_with_files
>>>    AS SELECT name, description, files, the_geom
>>>       FROM my_feature, resource_file
>>>       WHERE resource_file.from_table='my_point_feature' AND
>>> resource_file.with_id=gid
>>> ===========================================
>>> Hope its clear now.
>>> Stefan, I tried already the UNNEST() function
>>>  SELECT name, description, files, unnest(the_geom)
>>> But it is giving me back a one line per each file, my objective is
>>> receive N files in the same row.
>>> I think my approach is wrong. That is because Im using objects ("TYPE
>>> file" and ARRAY) that are not supported like attributes of spatial
>>> entity, by the WMS or geoserver. This objects are not standards.
>>> Right now Im making another New Approach, its not so elegant, but its 
>>> working.
>>> ===========================================
>>> --
>>> CREATE TYPE type_file AS ENUM ('PDF', 'IMAGE', 'VIDEO', 'GPX', 'ZIP');
>>> --
>>> CREATE TABLE resource_file
>>> (
>>>  id                     serial NOT NULL,
>>>  from_table        varchar(32) NOT NULL,
>>>  with_id                integer NOT NULL,
>>>  file_name         varchar(64)  NOT NULL,
>>>  file_description  varchar(256)  NOT NULL,
>>>  file_host           varchar(256)  NOT NULL,
>>>  file_path           varchar(256)  NOT NULL,
>>>  file_type           type_file  NOT NULL,
>>>  file_size              decimal  NOT NULL,
>>>  file_updated      date,
>>>  CONSTRAINT resource_file_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
>>> );
>>> --
>>> INSERT INTO resource_file(id, from_table, with_id, file_name,
>>> file_description, file_host, file_path, file_type, file_size,
>>> file_updated)
>>> VALUES (nextval('resource_file_id_seq'),'my_point_feature',54,
>>> 'file.pdf', 'teste',
>>> 'http://localhost/','where/filesFTP/are/050334.pdf','PDF',1.5,statement_timestamp());
>>> --
>>> INSERT INTO resource_file(id, from_table, with_id, file_name,
>>> file_description, file_host, file_path, file_type, file_size,
>>> file_updated)
>>> (nextval('resource_file_id_seq'),'my_point_feature',54,'file.jpg','teste',
>>> 'http://localhost/',
>>> 'where/filesFTP/are/050334.jpg','IMAGE',1.5,statement_timestamp());
>>> --
>>> CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION getFilesHTML(text, int) RETURNS text AS $$
>>>    _from_table alias for $1;
>>>    _with_id alias for $2;
>>>    r resource_file%rowtype;
>>>    HTML text := '';
>>>    url text := '';
>>>    description text := '';
>>>    FOR r IN SELECT * FROM resource_file WHERE from_table =
>>> _from_table AND with_id = _with_id
>>>    LOOP
>>>        url := r.file_host || r.file_path;
>>>        description := r.file_description ||' ('|| r.file_updated ||')';
>>>        HTML:= HTML || '<a href="'|| url ||'" title="'|| description ||'"
>>> target="_blank" >'|| r.file_name ||'</a>';
>>>    END LOOP;
>>> END;
>>> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
>>> --
>>> CREATE VIEW view_my_point_feature_with_files
>>> AS SELECT name, description, getFilesHTML('my_point_feature', gid) as
>>> HTMLfiles, the_geom
>>> FROM my_point_feature;
>>> ===========================================
>>> So, in one request, containing one row per feature, I can show/link the N 
>>> files.
>>> The 'bad' thing, is that I'm mixing already the HTML with the data, in
>>> the database but I'm open to new suggestions/approaches.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Oscar
>>> 2011/3/19 Stefan Keller <>:
>>>> Hi Oscar
>>>> I don't understand what you really did.
>>>> 1. GeoServer can only serve tables with id and geometry.
>>>> 2. Can you specify the view you defined and the join?
>>>> To me that would work too (except that the geometry attribute is lacking):
>>>> CREATE VIEW resource_file_v(id, files) AS (
>>>>  SELECT id, unnest(files) AS files FROM resource_file
>>>> );
>>>> Yours, S.
>>>> 2011/3/15 Òscar Vidal Calbet <>:
>>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>>> I published some WMS services in Geoserver from PostGIS database and I
>>>>> need to make a GetFeaureInfo that gives me data from different tables,
>>>>> which can be solved by creating a VIEW. The problem is that I need
>>>>> that one of the fields in the VIEW be allowed to give me N entities
>>>>> referring to N files (strings with the path) related with the feature.
>>>>> To solve that in Postgres I created an ARRAY of  Composite Types in
>>>>> the table:
>>>>> CREATE TYPE file AS (
>>>>>    file_name        varchar(64),
>>>>>    file_url         varchar(256),
>>>>>    ...
>>>>> );
>>>>> CREATE TABLE resource_file
>>>>> (
>>>>>  id serial NOT NULL,
>>>>>  from_table varchar(32) NOT NULL,
>>>>>  with_id integer NOT NULL,
>>>>>  files ARRAY file,
>>>>>  CONSTRAINT resource_file_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
>>>>> )
>>>>> So I'm creating a VIEW with the feature JOIN resource_file to get the
>>>>> info of the feature with all the (N) files associated. But when I'm
>>>>> publishing the VIEW, apparently there is no error but the ARRAY field
>>>>> is missing. I check in the OpenGIS® Web Map Server Implementation
>>>>> Specification
>>>>> , but I didn't find anything about if it can be done or not.
>>>>> Is it possible?
>>>>> I would like to solve the problem by having only one request to the
>>>>> server to get the N files. Any suggestions?
>>>>> Maybe I can create a function in Postgres that builds already the
>>>>> content (a string with html tags) to show the N files and pass this to
>>>>> the view?
>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>> oscar
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