Hi Javier,

you could add the missing end point (and then try again with ST_BuildArea() etc.). Here a more or less suiting example of the PostGIS manual for ST_AddPoint():

UPDATE sometable
SET the_geom = ST_AddPoint(the_geom, ST_StartPoint(the_geom))
FROM sometable
WHERE ST_IsClosed(the_geom) = false;

With a MultiLineString, this might be a bit more complicated because you have to find out first, is your multilinestring resulting in a polygon or a multipolygon? If all linestrings form one polygon, you have to select the start point of the first linestring as end point of the last linestring. If the result is a multipolygon, you have to find out which of the rings is not closed, first. As I see from your first e-mail, you are expecting the geometry to become a multipolygon, so (assuming every linestring is representing a polygon within the multipolygon, otherwise it might be a solution to union the linestrings first) maybe the sql code could look like this:

UPDATE sometable a
SET the_geom = sel.geom FROM
(SELECT b1.gid, ST_Collect(b1.geom) AS geom --put together all linestrings to 
one multilinestring again
(SELECT b.gid, ST_AddPoint(b.geom, ST_StartPoint(b.geom)) --add an end point on 
the position of the start point for each non-closed linestring
(SELECT gid, (st_dump(the_geom)).geom AS geom --separate the linestrings and 
select the not closed ones
FROM sometable
WHERE ST_IsClosed(the_geom)=false) b
WHERE ST_IsClosed(b.geom) = false
SELECT b.gid, b.geom
(SELECT gid, (st_dump(the_geom)).geom AS geom --separate the linestrings and 
select the closed ones
FROM sometable
WHERE ST_IsClosed(the_geom)=false) b
WHERE ST_IsClosed(b.geom) = true) b1
GROUP BY b1.gid) sel
WHERE ST_IsClosed(a.the_geom)=false AND a.gid=sel.gid;

I did not test the code, but I hope you get the idea...



On 28.03.2011 18:47, Javier Perez wrote:

I tried |*ST_BuildArea*(|geometry A|)|; and |*ST_BdMPolyFromText*(|text WKT, integer srid|)|;

but the output is empty. I think it's becouse this functions may need the MULTILINESTRING to be closed and it's not.

Any suggestion?

2011/3/25 Javier Perez <javi.peis...@gmail.com <mailto:javi.peis...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Marc-Andre!

    I think this usefull.

    Thanks a lot!


    2011/3/25 Morin, Marc-André <marc-andre.mo...@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

        *This is the recipe I found in the past to get it done:*
        It worked well for me.
        *De :* postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
        <mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net>] *De la
        part de* Javier Perez
        *Envoyé :* March 25, 2011 7:35 AM
        *À :* postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
        *Objet :* [postgis-users] MULTILINESTRING to MULTIPOLYGON


        In my app I get a MULTILINESTRING and want to insert it as
        MULTIPOLYGON. I think there's an easy way but I did't found,
        can anyone bring some light?

        Thanks in advance

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