
It seems that you try to restore a backup into a database who included already PostGIS functions. To restore a PostGIS database, you have to create first an empty database WITHOUT POSTGIS functions. plpgsql language must be not created too.

You have 3 options. You restore your backup file into an empty database. If you use this option, it is important to note that your PostGIS backup file must include the same version of PostGIS that the one your installation is.

If not, you need to have to do the 2nd option who is to use the posgis_restore.pl script which should be located in your share/contrib directory. For this last option, you need to install Perl language on your box before. This script is a command line restore script that remove from your backup file the old PostGIS function and install new PostGIS functions. Your backup file must be in Custom format (pg_dump -Fc...).

If your backup is not created with -Fc option, you need to unzipped it (if necessary), then remove in a text editor the lines who bug. e.g. CREATE LANGAGE plpgsql... CREATE FUNCTION box_2d... etc. And then, restore your file using pgAdmin.

Hope it will be useful.

Sylvain Racine

On 2011-04-15 05:15, Raffaele Morelli wrote:

I have a serious problem in restoring a postgis enabled database from one server to another and I don't know what the problem could be.

When trying to restore I got this lines (only the starting ones here) from pgadmin interface. Any suggestion?

best regards

/usr/bin/pg_restore --host --port 5432 --username rmorelli --dbname cen_rf --verbose "/home/rmorelli/Documents/backup/cen/cen_rf.backup"
pg_restore: connessione al database per ripristino
pg_restore: creazione di SCHEMA public
pg_restore: creazione di COMMENT SCHEMA public
pg_restore: creazione di PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql
pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] Errore durante PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] Errore nalla voce TOC 1265; 2612 49195 PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql postgres pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: language "plpgsql" already exists
    Command was:
pg_restore: creazione di SHELL TYPE box2d
pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] Errore nalla voce TOC 1151; 0 0 SHELL TYPE box2d postgres pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: type "box2d" already exists
    Command was: CREATE TYPE box2d;
pg_restore: creazione di FUNCTION box2d_in(cstring)
pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] Errore nalla voce TOC 84; 1255 49272 FUNCTION box2d_in(cstring) postgres pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: function "box2d_in" already exists with same argument types
    Command was: CREATE FUNCTION box2d_in(cstring) RETURNS box2d
    AS '$libdir/postgis-1.5', 'BOX2DFLOAT4_in';
pg_restore: creazione di FUNCTION box2d_out(box2d)
pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] Errore nalla voce TOC 85; 1255 49273 FUNCTION box2d_out(box2d) postgres pg_restore: [archiviatore (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: function "box2d_out" already exists with same argument types
    Command was: CREATE FUNCTION box2d_out(box2d) RETURNS cstring
    AS '$libdir/postgis-1.5', 'BOX2DFLOAT4_...

/L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla protesta violenta e viscerale./

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