On 17/05/2011 10:10, truongxuan quang wrote:
Thank you very much for your help! but I did not know how to process as you mention, could you please explain as step by step.

So today I tried to do 
1.Add/remove PostgreSQL 
2.delete postgres user and pass by NET USER postgres /delete
3. delete folder of postgreSQL
4. Delete in side regiter of winXP in side KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\

Hi Truongxuan,

You have the right steps to uninstall PostgreSQL. I don't
think that is your problem. I suspect a password or a
connection problem with your database.

I suppose your try to install PostgreSQL with
installer of EntrepriseDB. If not, please indicate it! We need sufficient
information to reproduce error or bug!

I succeeded this afternoon to reproduce your problem with
this distribution. I installed EntrepriseDB with PostGIS
on a local Win XP Pro machine 32 bits. I got problems when
I typed a password containing "special" characters, like
"été" (I speak French). The installer couldn't connect to
database at the end of the process. I tried to reinstall
and then I used an "English" style password. This time,
the installation has succeeded even if I used a
password different of the one I  used the first time. Notice:
you must manually delete the Windows "postgres" account
before reinstalling. The installation message displays it.

I remarked something  when I install EntrepriseDB. The first
installer (PostgreSQL) is done by BitRock and the second
(PostGIS) is done by Nullsoft. Both ask the superuser
password. I suspect that there is a different charset for 
each installer.

I note also something strange in your log. The name of
your network address is showed as "???" in your log. Did
you replace it yourself or is it exactly what you see in
your log? It looks like if you give a network name with some
"special" characters. Remember to always use English style
words for a computer connection. Anyway, your network address
should be "localhost".

If you have still error messages after these tips, please
post another message with your detailed configuration and
what you did.

Best regard

Sylvain Racine
But when I install it still got errors as the detail in install-postgresql.log, I added some few line of the last install-postgresql.log file

Starting the database server...
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\installer\server\startserver.vbs" postgresql-8.4
Script exit code: 0

Script output:
 Starting postgresql-8.4
Service postgresql-8.4 started successfully
startserver.vbs ran to completion

Script stderr:
Loading additional SQL modules...
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\installer\server\loadmodules.vbs" "postgres" "****" "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4" "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\data" 5432 "1"
Script exit code: 0

Script output:
 Installing pl/pgsql in the template1 databases...
    Executing 'C:\DOCUME~1\quang\LOCALS~1\Temp\radEC6B1.bat'...
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "???" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Installing the adminpack module in the postgres database...
    Executing 'C:\DOCUME~1\quang\LOCALS~1\Temp\radEC6B1.bat'...
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "???" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

loadmodules.vbs ran to completion

Script stderr:
[15:40:28] Write the data directory to the ini file...
[15:40:28] Write the port number, service ID, locale and superuser to the ini file...
[15:40:28] Write ServiceID(postgresql-8.4) to registry/ini...
[15:40:28] Write Superuser to ini file and windows registry...
[15:40:28] Write Service Account to ini file and windows registry...
[15:40:28] Write the server description to the ini file...
[15:40:28] Write the server branding to the ini file...
[15:40:28] Write the 'whether stack-builder is disabled or not' to the ini file...
[15:40:28] Finished running post-installation/upgrade tasks.
Creating Uninstaller
Creating uninstaller 25%
Creating uninstaller 50%
Creating uninstaller 75%
Creating uninstaller 100%
Installation completed
Log finished 05/17/11 at 15:40:38

And when I started server by using pgAdim the server response as below:

Server doesn't listen 

the server doesn't accept connections: the connection library repots

could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Thank again and very sorry for this question 

Many thanks


From: "postgis-users-requ...@postgis.refractions.net" <postgis-users-requ...@postgis.refractions.net>
To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Sent: Mon, May 16, 2011 9:00:02 PM
Subject: postgis-users Digest, Vol 109, Issue 15

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Clip a table using a donut geometry (J?lio Almeida)
  2. Help for my error when I install Postgis (truongxuan quang)
  3. Re: Help for my error when I install Postgis (Ren? Riech)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 15:31:23 +0100
From: J?lio Almeida <julio.augusto.alme...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Clip a table using a donut geometry
To: Ralf Suhr <ralf.s...@itc-halle.de>
Cc: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net>
Message-ID: <banlktikguwnzvu23abyevmdkeay-tef...@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Thanks Ralf for your suggestion.

I solved it by doing it in two steps.
First, I created a temporary table with the donut geometry:

EXECUTE 'create table tempdonut as SELECT
ST_Difference(st_buffer(the_geom,buffer_radius), the_geom) as the_geom
      from designprocess.dp_zn_boundaries
      where type = site_name);

Second, I did de Intersects query:

      r.the_geom, r.gid FROM urbanenvironment.ue_ms_crossings_wegdeel_punt
AS r,  tempdonut as m
      WHERE ST_Intersects(r.the_geom, m.the_geom)';

Thanks again,

j?lio almeida
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 10:23:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: truongxuan quang <truongxuanqu...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [postgis-users] Help for my error when I install Postgis
To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Message-ID: <11939.11902...@web114704.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear list

I face with some problem in installation PostgreSQL 8.3 on winXP , long time
before I use PostgreSQL and PostGIS for managing shape file data. Last week I
tried to install PostgreSQL 8.4, after that I remove PostgreSQL 8.3 (I only
uninstalled inside windows control panel/add and then I delete all folder inside
window programs) and I reinstall PostgreSQL 8.4, and problem was starting happen
from this step, until now, I could not connect data by my user and password or
start PostgreSQL8.4 service from Administrative Tools . Even I tried to
uninstall and reinstall for at least 20 times, delete folder, remove
user/password on Administrative Tools.

Could you please help me to fix my problem

Many thanks

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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 19:50:34 +0200
From: Ren? Riech <rene.ri...@arcor.de>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Help for my error when I install Postgis
To: "PostGIS Users Discussion" <postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net>
Message-ID: <op.vvk46kax1ftthu@roarglch>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15; format=flowed;

On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:23:15 +0200, truongxuan quang 
<truongxuanqu...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear list
> I face with some problem in installation PostgreSQL 8.3 on winXP , long 
> time
> before I use PostgreSQL and PostGIS for managing shape file data. Last 
> week I
> tried to install PostgreSQL 8.4, after that I remove PostgreSQL 8.3 (I 
> only
> uninstalled inside windows control panel/add and then I delete all 
> folder inside
> window programs) and I reinstall PostgreSQL 8.4, and problem was 
> starting happen
> from this step, until now, I could not connect data by my user and 
> password or
> start PostgreSQL8.4 service from Administrative Tools . Even I tried to
> uninstall and reinstall for at least 20 times, delete folder, remove
> user/password on Administrative Tools.

Hi Truongxuan,

I once had also a problem with a deinstallation of PostgreSQL. I found that
script, It deletes everytthing what stays after the deinstallation.

echo on
@REM  NAME          : Remove_PostgreSQL_Total.CMD
@REM  DESCRIPTION  : Entfernt vollst?ndig alle Verzeichnisse und Eintr?ge 
die durch
@REM                  die De-Installation von PostgreSQL nicht entfernt 
@REM                  Diese Datei darf erst nach der De-Installtion von 
@REM                  gestartet werden. Sie mu? von dem User ausgef?hrt 
werden, unter
@REM                  dem die Installation von PostgreSQL erfolgte. 
Normalerweise ist
@REM                  das der Administrator unter Windows.
@REM                  Die Verzeichnisse beziehen sich auf eine 
@REM                  Installation!

@REM    -------------------------------------------------------------
@REM    Benutzerkonto, unter dem der PostgreSQL-Datenbankserver l?uft
@REM    -------------------------------------------------------------

        @set WIN_USER=postgres



        rmdir /S /Q "%SystemDrive%\Dokumente und 
        rmdir /S /Q "%SystemDrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%WIN_USER%"
        rmdir /S /Q "%ProgramFiles%\PostgreSQL"

Use this script AFTER the deinstallation of PostgreSQL as an administrator 

maybe this helps.

with regards



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End of postgis-users Digest, Vol 109, Issue 15
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