
* Sandro Santilli ( wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 03:15:26AM -0400, Paragon Corporation wrote:
> > So that is why I was proposing a hybrid -- geometry_columns  -- so new
> > PostGIS can work with older tools

Having a hybrid may work for backwards-compatibility reasons, but we
should have a solution which doesn't require such an ugly hack for new

> > Though I suppose that may be more confusing than it's worth and there is the
> > case of views

Regarding views, what I would actually suggest is that we allow users a
way to tell update the typmod for the view definition directly in the
catalog rather than suggesting that they use a seperate table as an

We could do this pretty easily using a function which the user would
call (instead of adding to or updating a table) which would update the
catalog definition for the view.  We could also try to see if there's a
way to support doing this through 'alter view'.

> My opinion is starting to form on this and currently is closer to 
> "maintain a real table".

This might be acceptable as a backwards-compatibility mode, but I think
we need a solution which doesn't depend on overriding values that are in
the catalog.



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