Dear Pierre,
Here, we are using PostGIS to analyze large datasets combining rasters
and vectors. Basically, we are looking at movement and habitat selection
in a predator-prey system, using GPS-collar data over large areas. The
major use of PostGIS Raster is for the intersection of prey steps (line
segments or buffers around these segments) with different raster:
Landsat (landcover type), slope, road density, relative probability of
occurrence of the predator, etc. Note that we first tried to use ArcGIS
for this step, without success, due to many bugs and the need to correct
them by hand (which was largely too time-consuming). We also used
PostGIS Raster to intersect predator locations with the Landsat map to
estimate Resource Selection Functions (RSF) in order to build maps of
relative probability of occurrence. In the end, information of the
intersections were used in R to characterize movements of the preys on
the landscape.
Mathieu Basille.
Le 03/06/2011 08:28, Pierre Racine a écrit :
Hi all,
I'm preparing a presentation and I need some use cases for PostGIS Raster. I
would be grateful if people already using the raster side of PostGIS would
describe what they already do it. Bborie, Jorge, Regina, others? These uses
cases are vital for the project.
On my side we are using PostGIS raster to do raster/vector analysis over large
datasets. Basically determining mean values for temperature (raster), elevation
(raster) for fauna observations (point buffers). Converting everything to
vector and using desktop solutions proved impracticable for datasets covering
the extent of Canada.
For those who did not try the raster extension yet, don't be shy to express
your planned experiments or your expectations.
Thanks all for your contribution to the project,
postgis-users mailing list
~$ whoami
Mathieu Basille, Post-Doc
~$ locate
Laboratoire d'Écologie Comportementale et de Conservation de la Faune
+ Centre d'Étude de la Forêt
Département de Biologie
Université Laval, Québec
~$ info
~$ fortune
``If you can't win by reason, go for volume.''
Calvin, by Bill Watterson.
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