I'd suggest that you try ogr2ogr.


On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 6:48 AM, Charles Galpin <cgal...@lhsw.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the somewhat off topic question, but I figured someone here has 
> probably dealt with this.  I am using postgis and am very happy with it, but 
> for various reasons I need to export some of our data to sql server 
> periodically and want to automate it, preferably to fit into our existing 
> framework which uses bcp to import from flat files.  However looking at the 
> binary output of a straight "copy" to CSV the binary formats do not look the 
> same. Is there any way to export to a format that bcp can understand?
> I can export the wkt, strip quotes, import into a temp table and then use an 
> insert select to fill the destination table converting the wkt back to a 
> geometry but this is less than ideal.
> tia,
> charles
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