In lieu of an informed answer, logic would suggest the geometry must be in the 
table (if it is displaying correctly in a GIS application).

Therefore, I would suggest that there may be some aspect of displaying it other 
than in a GIS application that is the problem.

Are you using pgAdmin to view the table data? What operating system? There is a 
character limit - the normal limit on postgres rows is 2048 characters. But 
geometry data are not actually stored in the table, rather they are stored in a 
TOAST table. I would suggest that you try looking at it in psql (the command 
line application) or I believe there is a plug-in for pgAdmin that might help 
display the data there.

Be aware also that if your geometries are large, the rows will be wide, and so 
displaying them in psql might be somewhat frustrating as you will have a large 
amount of blank space in the table heading etc.



On 18/07/2011, at 8:30 PM, Phil James wrote:

> I have loaded some geometry into a postgis table but although the geometry is 
> there (displays in Quantum and can query with ST_various correctly) it does 
> not appear with AsText() or in the Edit Table view.  The type is MultiPolygon 
> using postgres 9 Postgis 1.5.  Is there some character limit it exceeds?  If 
> so why does the the_geom column appear blank in Edit Table using PGADMIN as 
> well?  I have checked the geometry and it is valid.
> Thanks
> Phil
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