I was kinda wondering if there was any real problem.  I was compiling with gcc 
4.2 for a while until I became aware of the test problem, and noone complained 
directly about a CoordinateArraySequenceFactory problem with my GEOS framework.

On Aug 1, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> For whatever it's work (not much) the unit test failure seems to have
> no reported knock-on effects in day-to-day use. So you can use the
> GEOS code compiled with newer gcc without too much trepidation.
> However, no luck in exterminating the test failure thus far.
> P.
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 2:33 PM, William Kyngesburye
> <wokl...@kyngchaos.com> wrote:
>> Unfortunately when using GCC 4.2, there is another bug that shows up in the 
>> unit tests:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/299
>> The only simple solution there is to use gcc-4.0/g++-4.0, BUT Lion Xcode 
>> does not includes this.  The other solution is to compile GEOS *and* 
>> whatever uses GEOS without optimization.
>> So we're stuck.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

The equator is so long, it could encircle the earth completely once.

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