Hi Phil,

If your view is large, you will get sluggish performance with QGIS. One 
solution is a materialised view, which is not directly supported in Postgres, 
but can be made to work. This does create a physical table representing the 
view, which can have appropriate indexes applied.

The issue without direct support for materialised views is maintenance: 
assuring that the MV is automatically updated to match the underlying tables. 
This is discussed & examples using triggers shown at: 


  Brent Wood
--- On Fri, 9/16/11, Phil James <borntope...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

--- On Fri, 9/16/11, Phil James <borntope...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

From: Phil James <borntope...@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: [postgis-users] Unique IDs in Views and Quantum GIS
To: "postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net" 
Date: Friday, September 16, 2011, 10:12 PM

I am trying to create a view that can be opened in Quantum using 
ST_INTERSECTION.  This returns multiple entries for the same road object and 
therefore Quantum refuses to use the GID field as it is not unique.  As an 
alternative I thought to use row_number but this is a bigint and Quantum says 
it wants int4 (integer) so I cast this to integer (which is OK as there are not 
that many records).  However, Quantum still refuses to recognise this as a 
potential key field presumably as it has no UNIQUE or PK constraints on it.  I 
know this is more a question for the Quantum list but anyone any ideas how to 
get round this?
 I know I can use CREATE TABLE instead of a View and add a PK to the table but 
this is bugging me now ! I can also do it with SELECT DISTINCT ON (gid) but 
then we only get one intersection point per geometry when there may be 
DROP VIEW intersection_view;CREATE VIEW intersection_view AS(SELECT DISTINCT    
CAST (row_number() over (order by r.gid)
  AS integer) as id, r.name, r.gid, ST_INTERSECTION(r.the_geom, w.the_geom) AS 
the_geom,        ASTEXT(ST_INTERSECTION(r.the_geom, w.the_geom)) AS 
intersectionptFROM   neroads r, newaterways wWHERE   ST_INTERSECTS(r.the_geom, 
w.the_geom)AND        r.type ILIKE 'prim%'    );
Many thanks
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