You can use something along that line:

CREATE SCHEMA new_schema;
ALTER TABLE table_name SET SCHEMA new_schema;

(either with pgdamin or with psql directly)

I personally find it easier to set the schema during the importation step with shp2psql/raster2psql, e.g. using:

raster2pgsql -r your_raster.tif -t data.your_raster -l 1 -k 64x64 -s 26919 -I -M -o your_raster.sql

which will directly import 'your_raster' into the schema 'data'. I ran into some problems with indexes by altering schemas*, and I now tend to favour the direct import into the intended schema (and it's also quicker as it involves less code).


* After moving a given table in a different schema, I couldn't import another table with the same name in the public schema because of the associated index, and I add to merely drop the table. There is probably a solution to this problem, but I couldn't find it and the drop was a quick and easy solution for me...

Le 22/09/2011 08:16, Mr. Puneet Kishor a écrit :

On Sep 22, 2011, at 6:29 AM, Robert Buckley wrote:


As a follow-up to my earlier post (Re: [postgis-users] schemas and postgis 
data) I have another question.

I had originally put all my data into the public schema. I want to move my geodata to the 
schema "data", so I just used to following command in the pgadmin3 sql editor

create table data.new_table as (select * from public.old_table);

Don't recreate the tables. Just alter the schema. Check the Pg docs for 
changing the schema.

although this works, the schema is not the primary key and other 
contraints are missing.

So i have done this

# first create new table and copy schema
create table data.table_2(like table_1 including defaults including constraints 
including indexes);

#then copy data into table_2
insert into data.table2(select * from public.table_1);

Is there a better/quicker/safer way of doing this? possibly with 
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