Hi guys,
 please could someone help me look at this SQL code, I cant figure out what
is wrong with it and it gives me this error,

"ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "i"
LINE 3: Select I.temp_lst_id,I.temp_value as I_t, R.tv.val as R_t, (..."
Here is the code;

Select I.temp_value as I_t, R.tv.val as R_t, (I_t - R_t) as D_t
>From ( Select ST_intersection(R.rast,I.the_geom) AS tv
>From in_situ_lst I, lst_day R
Where I.the_geom && R.rast
AND ST_intersects(R.rast,I.the_geom)
And I.temp_lst_id = 2

I was just trying to get the difference between a temperature value in a
vector temperature table, in_situ_lst and a raster temperature table,

Iyke Maduako

Masters in Geospatial Technologies
Institute for Geoinformatics,IfGI
University of Muenster Germany
Phone: +4915129048460
Alternative Email:iykefirstcl...@yahoo.com
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