On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 04:34:35PM -0700, Yusuf Siddiqui wrote:

>         SELECT count, geometry, ST_GeometryType(geometry)
>         FROM (
>             SELECT COUNT(*) AS count,
>  ST_Buffer(ST_Buffer(ST_Union(ST_Buffer(ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry,
> 0.001), 1e-005)),.001), -.001) AS geometry
>             FROM <table>
>             WHERE <criteria>
>               ORDER BY ST_GeoHash(geometry, 8), <other_fields>
>               LIMIT <limit> OFFSET <offset>
>             )
>         ) AS i
>         ;
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
> The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

Can you make your input data available somewhere for us to look at ?
Also, try simplifying the query to use less functions.
And keep an eye on memory usage.

Best if you report everything in a ticket:



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