Thanks again for the rapid response.  I have been using gdal_translate as you 
suggest to reconstitute images, although, as yet, I have only successfully done 
this when the tiled target image is in a table of its own. I am probably being 
a bit slow but have not yet figured out how to extract one target image from a 
table which contains multiple tiled images using only gdal_translate - ideally 
I do not want to have to create a separate table for the target image but 
rather simply extract the image of interest from a PG table containing all of 
the images (hope that makes sense).


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Paragon 
Sent: 04 February 2012 21:44
To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Rv: Postgis for Postgres 64 bits


> "First thing 1000x1000 blocks is too big.  If you are going to be 
> doing a lot of ST_Value calls, you probably want to chunk your tiles 
> to 100x100 or below.
> ST_Value currently requires doing a memcopy for each call so the 
> bigger your tiles the more memcopying it will have to do.
> On top of that the bigger your tiles, the less useful ST_Intersects 
> is.  Its kind of the same issue with big geometries -- like if you 
> stuffed all of africa in one record, and then were searching for a 
> city in Africa, the ST_Intersects will not be that useful."
> Thanks for this. I did do a few tests. This is what I got:
> Tile Size     Time
> 2000          350873ms
> 1000          235415
> 500           288298
> 300           234895  
> 200           231374
> I guess I was concerned that at 200x200 the images were split across 
> 3344 rows as opposed to the 176 of the 1000x1000.  I am learning here, 
> so I will give 100x100 a go (tomorrow) - I just worry about when I 
> need to put the images back together (images will be uploaded as tiles 
> and then the originals - model outputs - will be deleted). The 
> geometry is composed of
> 100 points (this is for testing only - final configuration has yet to 
> be determined) -  I figured it would be faster if they were all on the 
> same tile, but may be not?
> Thanks
> Darrel

Bborie probably has more info on this since he's working it and can hopefully 
chime in.  Right now the ST_Union you'd use in the db is not very efficient 
since its using plpgsql. Doing it with the gdal_translate is a lot faster and 
you can do basic where conditions with that like where file_name='...'.

 In 2.0 ST_Union will be done mostly in C so should be faster.

As far as reconstituting, yes and no.  If your tiles are smaller and you don't 
need the full tile, doing clip operations and union subset that covers a 
geometric region will be faster again because of the whole memcopy issue.

However if you need to export the tile -- reconsitute the original, then you 
are right a bigger tile would be better, though you may want to try 
gdal_translate as that I think is much more efficient for export.

A lot fo these performance issues we'll be dealing with in the 2.1 release, but 
for 2.0, we are just focussing on functionality and stability.

Hope that helps,

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