Nothing obvious that I can see.

psql -d <db>

\d                  # should list the tables
\d mytable     # should list the structure of the table "mytable"
select * from mytable;  # should list the contents of mytable.

If you can post the outputs from these commands (the text before the "#") we 
can probably offer more informed advice.


  Brent Wood

--- On Tue, 2/14/12, Bistrais, Bob <> wrote:

From: Bistrais, Bob <>
Subject: [postgis-users] Trouble seeinglisting tables
To: "PostGIS Users Discussion" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 9:58 AM


I am having trouble on a pretty basic level.  I loaded a
couple shapefiles into PostGIS.  I can see that they successfully loaded when I
use pgAdmin.  But when I go to command line, I have trouble.  I can do a \d
command and see the tables exist in the database.  But if I do a select * from
mytable; I get an errer, “relation “mytable” does not exist. 
What am I doing wrong here? 

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