Hi Birgit-

thank you for the reply.. I admit that I have not compared your solution to my own carefully,
but instead have written a lot more code, and solved the problem.

using psycopg2 and python's threading and Queue , I built a multi- core parallel version. Since the logic loops through each large landtype geometry, and INSERTs the results into one table, it is naturally parallelizable. The psuedo-code goes something like this:

tSQL_primediff =
    INSERT into destination_table
      SELECT desired_fields,
         CASE when st_difference(
              landtype_poly, parcels
          ) is null then landtype_poly
         ELSE st_difference(
              landtype_poly, parcels )
         END as tgeom
    landtype_poly  INNER JOIN parcels
     ON st_intersects( landtype_poly, parcels)
     landtype_poly id = tIND
    landtype_poly id, landtype_poly

create a thread_UnitofWork subclass
    def run()
         get an id_start, id_end from queue msg
         SELECT landtype IDs >= start && <= end
         for each ID:
              cursor.execute(  tSQL_primediff )


     build a Queue
     SELECT landtype_id ORDER BY landtype_id
     count them and decide on a division per thread

     for the number of threads:
         build a queue entry
         fire the thread task

    wait for all threads to complete
## last trick

tSQL_pre =
    SELECT lt_id FROM landtypes
      LEFT JOIN result_table  ON (lt_id = res.id )
       id_lt == NULL

tSQL_test =
      landtypes INNER JOIN parcels
        ON st_intersect( landtype, parcel)
        landtype_id = tIND

tSQL_alt =
    INSERT into result_table
     SELECT desired_fields, geom
     FROM landtypes
     WHERE landtypes_id = tIND

execute tSQL_pre, get a list of IDs
for each ID
   execute tSQL_test
   if  len(result_list) > 0: continue

   execute tSQL_alt  ## copy whole landtype into result

the reason for this last step is that the way the program ran,
if a landtype was not at all touching any parcels, it was not copied
but you do not want to copy landtypes that were completely covered..

So you get the difference of landtype IDs in the input, and the ones that were copied to the result, and check each one for the number of intersections of parcels. Only if there were no intersections of parcels to that landtype, copy it to the result.

the final program uses 12 cores on a 16 core linux machine, processing sets of landtypes in parallel.. It runs quite quickly on approximately 850,000 parcels
against 14,000 landtype polys.

thanks for the pointers and guidance.. perhaps I will get a chance to clean this up
at some later date..

Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
415-717-4462 cell

On Feb 15, 2012, at 12:00 PM, postgis-users- requ...@postgis.refractions.net wrote:

Message: 19
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 10:04:01 +0100
From: Birgit Laggner <birgit.lagg...@vti.bund.de>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Landtype minus parcels ?
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net>
Message-ID: <4f3b7501.2040...@vti.bund.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Brian,

you could try this query:

SELECT st_difference(l.wkb_geometry,
          case when st_union(p.wkb_geometry) is null
            then st_collect(p.wkb_geometry)
            else st_union(p.wkb_geometry)
        as tgeom
   big_landtypes l
   inner join
   small_parcels p
   on st_intersects(l.wkb_geometry, p.wkb_geometry)
where l.pkey = 1
group by l.pkey, l.wkb_geometry;

You are getting more than one result per landtype geometry because they
intersect with more then one parcel geometry. For each intersect case
there is a result row. You are unioning all parcel geometries which are anywhere intersecting any landtype geometry, which is probably resulting
in a big geometry. I would assume, the proposed query would do better,
but you would have to try :-) I also added a CASE WHEN with st_collect
as an alternative for st_union, because, sometimes st_union fails and
results in a NULL geometry. In this case st_collect could take over and
as for the st_difference, st_union or st_collect have the same impact.

Hope that helps,


Am 14.02.2012 20:42, schrieb Brian Hamlin:
SELECT distinct on (tgeom)

       (select st_union(p.wkb_geometry )
         big_landtypes l,
         small_parcels p
       where st_intersects(
         l.wkb_geometry, p.wkb_geometry) AND
         l.pkey = 1)
       ) tgeom
       big_landtypes l,
       small_parcels p
       l.pkey = 1

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