Hi Ed,

There is a QGIS plugin 'Load PostGIS Raster to QGIS'. I've used that to
load rasters, and added vectors from the 'Add PostGIS Layer' without
problem. When I have used it, I made sure that both vector and raster were
using the same SRID.


On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Ed Linde <edoli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Pierre,
> I checked the srids of the geometry and the rasters and they are both now
> set to --> 900913!
> I was using qgis and I think I made a mistake because I think the tif
> files on disk are using
> srid = 4326, while the postgis layer I added was using 900913 for osm.
> I have never used OpenJump.. is it possible to view both my raster and
> road geometries from
> postgis on to qgis? Or you recommend installing OpenJump?
> Also, do I still need to do some sort of reprojection on the geometries?
> Is the SRID of 900913
> reported for my rasters...reliable information?
> Cheers,
> Ed
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Pierre Racine <
> pierre.rac...@sbf.ulaval.ca> wrote:
>> > I noticed that the OSM data is using srid = 900913. So I reloaded the
>> tif files as
>> > the same srid, yet no luck with the intersection query! :( ALTER TABLE
>> > public.planet_osm_line ADD COLUMN way geometry(LineString,900913);
>> Specifying -s 900913 at load time do not make the rasters to be 900913...
>> You have to reproject something with ST_Transform. Go for reprojecting the
>> geometries since we still have a bug with reprojectings rasters.
>> Pierre
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