Everything is right in the beta3 version (r9502) for me!
All regression tests OK! 0 Failed!

Ready for takeoff!



Il giorno mer, 14/03/2012 alle 09.20 -0700, Paul Ramsey ha scritto:
> Hi All,
> PostGIS 2.0.0beta3: http://postgis.org/download/postgis-2.0.0beta3.tar.gz
> Current open tickets: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/report/22
> You'll note that the number of open tickets is getting close to zero.
> Like a rocket ship countdown, when we get to zero, we launch.
> But we need your help now, more than ever. Please try out PostGIS 2.0.
> Download it, build it, make sure it works for you.
> The most important tests now are migrations: can you migrate to
> PostGIS 2.0? If no, why? Let us know.
> Thanks!!!
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