You might want to look at the book: "PostGIS In Action" pg 225 has a function to cut a linestring at point junctions.

Basically, you want to take your two points and construction a line like:

select astext(setsrid(makeline(pnt1, pnt2), 4326));

then get a collection of pieces of myline after we subtract your new line from it:

select astext(st_difference(myline, setsrid(makeline(pnt1, pnt2), 4326)));

This assumes your data is int SRID:4326, change as appropriate.

I have not tried this but give it a try and see how it works.

-Steve W

On 3/14/2012 4:59 PM, Pedro Costa wrote:
I forget the image...

-------- Mensagem Original --------
Assunto:        cut lines with points
Data:   Wed, 14 Mar 2012 20:59:14 +0000
De:     Pedro Costa <> <>

Hello to all,

This is my first mail to this list.
I have to do one thing and i need help for solving that fastly.
I have points and lines and I intend to cut the lines based on points.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this quickly?

Attached is a picture to illustrate the problem.

thank you


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