On 3/26/2012 4:32 AM, Robert Buckley wrote:
I was just wondering if there is any other way in postgresql in which I
could assign alias names to columns other than creating views and
assigning the field names with the "AS" operator?
I have shapefiles with column names which have cryptic titles. When I
upload them into postgis and serve them in my viewer application, the
original "cryptic" column names will be displayed. It would be nice to
change them for the use in the viewer application but have the original
names retained also to ensure that updates to the data can be done easier.
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After import you could rename them if you want.
alter table x rename badname to newname;
How are you serving them? If you can write/modify the sql (as with
mapserver) you can do something like:
select badname as newname from x where newname = 'bob';
Why don't you like the view? I don't think you need the AS either.
This should work:
create view newx(newname) as select badname from x;
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