G'day Muni,

A good rule for getting an answer on a mailing list is to ask a clear question 
- if you don't get a response after three weeks you might want to consider 
rephrasing it, or being more specific.

You have provided very little information on what you are actually trying to 
achieve, or on what sort of system, what constraints you are working under or 
what scale and type of data you are managing.

For a start, typing "postgresql arcsde" into google returned at least 60 000 
records, the first ten of which included an ESRI supplied installation guide 
and a number of blogs and email lists discussing this combination, I would 
suggest you try this route, and then bring in some specific questions.

good luck


On 15/05/2012, at 2:14 AM, Melpati, Muni wrote:

> Can someone atleast provide references to previous studies with regards to 
> using a combination of postgresql, PostGIS and ArcSDE products for 
> maintaining GIS and raster data. Thanks in advance.
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