I can rasterise a vector layer, but I'm having trouble mapping it to a 
reference raster.

The reference raster, called dummy_rast is a 1x1 raster tile with a height and 
width of 500pixels, each of 250m in size.  I created using a pl/pgsql function:
SELECT make_tiled_raster('public', 'dummy_rast', 576000, -3780000, 1, 1, 500, 
500, 250, -250);
The result is 
 srid | scale_x | scale_y | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types 
| nodata_values 
 3577 |     250 |    -250 |         500 |         500 |         1 | {8BUI}      
| {NULL}

I now wish to burn a vector layer onto this raster:

CREATE TABLE viewshed_rast AS
WITH vt as (SELECT ST_Union(geometry) as geometry FROM viewshed_vectors)
SELECT rt.rid, ST_AsRaster(vt.geometry, rt.rast, '8BUI', 120, 100) as rast FROM 
dummy_rast as rt, vt;

The result is 
srid | scale_x | scale_y | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types 
| nodata_values 
 3577 |     250 |    -250 |          67 |          38 |         1 | {8BUI}      
| {100}
(1 row)

I do not understand why the resultant raster does not map to the reference 
raster?   Refer screenshot attached showing the resultant layers in QGIS.  The 
upperleftx and upperlefty, and the block size of the resultant raster are 
defined by the extent of the vector layer and not the reference raster.   

Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?  Thanks.

<<attachment: Screen shot 2012-06-24 at 3.54.12 PM.png>>

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