
We currently looking for organizations using PostGIS
with ArcGIS as a desktop client, as a daily usage,
and who could provide feedback likes:

  - What kind of connection do you use to connect both ?
    (ArcGIS native one, ArcSDE, WFS-T...)

  - Do you meet any kind of problem with read/write
    on common geometries (POINT/LINE/POLYGON/MULTI*) ?
- Do you face performances issues with large dataset
   (compared to other data storages, (especially ArcSDE))

 - Do you face to any (others) limitations ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback,

I wrote this on another forum:

Using <database datatype> with ArcSDE / ESRI clients does allow for 
interoperability with other non-ESRI GIS tools. (I did this for years when I was not 
an independent consultant.)

 To get maximal interoperability at the data level (ie direct read/write of <database 
datatype>) you must use "Nonversioned edits" (equivalent to standard database 

In this mode ESRI software cannot use any of the GeoDatabase "extension" data 
types nor its advanced data editing via versioning and long transactions.


In the end, interoperability depends on the level of ESRI Kool-Aid one drinks. 
Given that to maximize return on investment for your ESRI software effectively 
requires you to use all the features you wanted when you read the marketing and 
purchased the software, interoperability with non-ESRI software becomes very, 
very difficult unless that software uses the relevant ESRI APIs (as does 
AutoDesk's software).

I may be wrong on some of what I have written so please ensure that you 
validate it before adopting any of it as fact.

So, while this comment was about a different database/data type to 
PostgreSQL/PostGIS, I think the same issues would apply.

Holder of "2011 Oracle Spatial Excellence Award for Education and Research."
SpatialDB Advice and Design, Solutions Architecture and Programming,
Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Associate; Oracle Database 10g SQL 
Certified Professional
Oracle Spatial, SQL Server, PostGIS, MySQL, ArcSDE, Manifold GIS, FME, Radius 
Topology and Studio Specialist.
39 Cliff View Drive, Allens Rivulet, 7150, Tasmania, Australia.
Website: www.spatialdbadvisor.com
  Email: si...@spatialdbadvisor.com
  Voice: +61 362 396397
Mobile: +61 418 396391
Skype: sggreener
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