On Jul 23, 2012, at 5:26 PM, "Bob Pawley" <rjpaw...@shaw.ca> wrote:

> Hi
> I an collecting geometries as in this expression.
> update num_search
>     set the_geom4 =
>     (select st_union(st_union(st_union(st_buffer(a.mbr, buff), 
> st_buffer(b.mbr, buff)),
>         st_buffer(bob.face.mbr, buff)))   
>     from  bob.face a, bob.face b, num_search, bob.face
>     where (st_touches(a.mbr, b.mbr)
>     and st_intersects(a.mbr, num_search.the_geom2))
>     and st_intersects(bob.face.mbr, num_search.the_geom2));
> When I reference the_geom4 with a geometry number st_geometryn, the numbers 
> are in a random order. (example1,3,2,5,4,6)
> Is there a method that can be used to sort them in either ascending or 
> descending order??

Order in SQL query result is never guaranteed unless you use ORDER BY. 

Puneet Kishor
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