Good morning, 

first of all I want to thank the PostGIS community for the great job she does. 

I am a french user of postgis since 2006 and it helps us a lot in our mission 
to preserve landscapes and biodiversity. 
Since a few month we use rasters function in order to characterize species 

I have a problem with 1 of 5 raster table containing a dem. 
When I try to populate an elevation attribute of a point layer from this raster 
I get an error. To workaround this problem I use pg-script to run this update 
line after line. 

Is there a way to run this command, skipping the error. 

Here is the query : 

UPDATE export.tous_point_espece_selon_format_esri SET pente_mnt = 
ST_VALUE(rast, geometrie, true) 
FROM raster.pente_mnt30 
WHERE code_insee LIKE '30%' 

And here is the error (sorry it's in french) 

ERREUR: syntaxe en entrée invalide pour l'entier : « NaN » 
CONTEXTE : PL/pgSQL function "st_world2rastercoordx" lors de la conversion de 
la valeur de retour au type de retour de la fonction PL/pgSQL function 
"st_value" line 13 at RETURN 

Thanks again, 

Mathieu Bossaert 

Responsable du système d'information du CEN L-R 
04 67 29 90 65 - 

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